Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Yo (week 32)

Hey loved getting your letters this week and happy birthday mom. Weird to think you turned 30…man time flies. haha glad to hear you had a good b day. No, there is no rule in our mission about backpacks. We can still wear them and I have never heard of that sort of rule. I can’t believe Winston is home that’s so crazy to me…I feel like he just left but then again I feel like I just left and I have been out almost a year haha. Man, Berkeley and San Fran that’s the life. I mean I get so baggy when I think about those cities. A member has a pic of the golden gate overlooking the city and I looked at that pic for like 25 minutes without moving or blinking. I love that city haha
This week we did a lot of work with our investigators and a lot of work with members as well. We don’t have a lot of active members in our area so we tried to visit them and activate them. We figure that if the branch has a strong core then the investigators will feel better at church. So we are really trying to activate all of the less actives in our area. One thing that we are doing is reading the alma amulek story in the book of mormon. How alma tried to teach the people in the city but they wouldn’t listen. Then he found amulek and they left together to teach the word of god. That’s what we are trying to do right now is find an amulek or a menus activo and visit his friends and his people with him. The story starts I think in alma 8 if you want to read it…it’s a great story. So that’s the main thing we are doing. We are teaching investigators as well but they are having trouble coming to church. Only 1 came to church yesterday. We have some really really, really, good potentials and several of them have gotten answers about the book of mormon. All they need to do is go to church man. If they don’t want to keep their commitments there really isn’t that much we can do other than just pray and fast. We also taught like 10 kids again way up in the mountains. Those lessons are so cool. It was like the one we had last Sunday. I can just feel the power of god through my voice as I’m teaching them and it’s really a cool feeling. Those kids are all reading the book of mormon and want to learn more so we will see where that goes. Again, the most important thing, well not the most important, but one of the most important is coming to church and it just so happens that our investigators are having trouble. They all say they are going to church and then Sunday comes along and they are not there. We even stop by their houses Sunday morning haha…yup but that’s the life of a missionary. Teaching people about Jesus and inviting people to come to church. Well I wish I had a good story to tell you but I can’t remember any right now haha. The week just went by soooo freakin fast. Oh, another thing about the first vision of joseph smith. I thought a lot about that this week and how god answers prayers. The first vision of joseph smith is proof of that. Always remember to pray because god answers prayers. Maybe not how we want him to answer but he will answer. Remember what the book of mormon says and that satan teaches us not to pray. So when you don’t feel like praying just remember satan has beat you. So ya say your prayers. Well that’s all I got this week. I can’t believe school started that’s crazy to me. Well, love you all and have a good week!
love, elder call

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